This is where all of the dogs enter into and exit from, both the boarding dogs and DDC. Doors that are able to access the boarding rooms, to put in the boarding dogs, and the DDC dogs into garage to load up the Critter Cars each day can be found here. This is also where all the dogs get constantly fresh water, which is accessible all day long.We utilize this area not only as a directional hub, but it is also used to slow the energy down. Namaste peeps and dogs.
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Pool Yard
This yard went over a major make over about four years ago.We filled in the pool and created a labyrinth of rocks to slow the flow of the dogs coming in and out.We also made different levels, tunnels, concrete structures, slides and resting areas.We have an extensive dog house collection in this area for different areas to rest or take cover from the elements.This year we added the turf and the dogs absolutely love it. Always fun to think outside the box with vision, creativity and motivation.
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The Ravine is the first yard we lead the pack into from the Namaste Zone.It is the muddiest of all our yards and the dogs get down and dirty.We built it up with a pavilion and pole barn to get out of the elements if need be.Inside are resting and picnic tables for the dogs to lay, jump, and play on.We also added another play ground structure to keep the dogs engaged.There are gravel like roads to the upper yard and switch backs.This is where all the chippy and squirrel hunting is done.Our hunters hone in on their instincts digging, chasing and searching for Critters.This yard is where we figure out pack dynamics and play groups each day.Who is grumpy, tired, humping, being a pest, etc. Each day is a new pack and each day we figure it out. This yard is organized in such a way that allows this process to be executed proficiently.
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Ruff Zone
The Ruff Zone is a yard to slow down the energy of the pack from the Ravine and Pond Yard. It is on and angle and has switch backs through the middle and trails the dogs have made to hunt, run, slide, run and play. On each end are super steep long hills we call the gauntlets, so the dogs can make their way to this yard. lots of hunting and searching for critters in this yard.
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Pond Yard
Paws down- the pond yard is the dogs favorite of them all!They can throw down the throttle, dig huge holes, jump and swim in the pond and bark their heads off in jubilation for a pondamonium.We have added a bunch of play ground type structures and cement objects to keep to dogs engaged and enriched through the day.This yard is by far our toughest to manage energy wise and why the dogs do not have unlimited access to it or the pond. They get going so fast with running and swimming and, more often than not, our commands get lost in their mania. To bring them back down from cloud 9, we head back to the Namaste and Pool yards to slow down the flow.As for the pond, just like a swimming pool, the water is filtered, aerated and backwashed. The Pond closes up in the winter with the aerators in but no dogs are allowed.